
Workshops venue

IMO Institute of Ocular Microsurgery
Josep María Lladó, 3
08035 Barcelona


Workshop 1: Surgical treatment of the Brachycephalic Ocular Syndrome

Dr. Marta Leiva

Exclusive partner of Workshop 1

The surgical eyelids management used to address BOS englobes, among others, medial canthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, medial entropion, trichiasis, and ectopic cilia exeresis. Medial canthoplasty is considered nowadays as the gold standard treatment for BOS. This eyelid surgery improves corneal protection, decreases eye irritation and discharge, and reduces the likelihood of painful corneal ulceration.

Along the wet lab we will go through a stepwise approach of some of the most common used techniques for medial and lateral canthoplasty, as well as techniques for medial entropion resolution, including resection of the internal nasal fold. Important and practical tips will be discussed and practice for each technique.

There will be some magnification loupes available, nevertheless bringing your own loupes is recommended to get the most out of the lab.

Workshop 2:  Examination of the Tear Film – Quantitative and Qualitative Dry Eye

Dr. Stefan Kindler

Exclusive partner of Workshop 2

Price: 500 EUR
If you are interested in registration of this workshop please contact or login in to your registration profile.

Disorders of the precorneal tear film are among the most common ocular diseases seen in man. In the past, the focus on tear film disorders in animals has been on quantitative disease, i.e. the amount of tears produced. With increasing availability of diagnostic methods and awareness of qualitative tear film disorders, they are being diagnosed much more often, in our clinic on a daily base.

Participants of the wetlab will become acquainted with the physiology and pathology of the precorneal tear film, with a focus on diagnosis and treatment of qualitative and quantitative tear film disorders.

After a theoretical introduction, the participants will be able to familiarize themselves with diagnostic methods for the examination of the tear film in humans and animals including , but not limited to:

Schirmer Tear Test, Strip meniscometry, invasive and non-invasive tear film break-up time, interferometry, meibomography, tear film ferning tests, tear film meniscometry, rose Bengal staining, tear film osmolarity.

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